Upper Trapezius Pain


Your Upper Trapezius Muscle is a neck muscle which spans from your Cervical Spine to the base of your skull. It works to shrug your shoulder and can cause neck pain due to having Trigger Points, more commonly referred to as knots.


Sometimes due to overuse and/or injury, trigger points can occur in the Upper Trapezius Muscle can cause pain.

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To find these trigger point areas, feel around your Upper Trapezius muscle until you feel a tender spot.
Palpate Upper Trapezius Muscle
Press down on this spot and tilt your head to the opposite side.
Self Upper Trapezius Release With Head Tilt
You progress this release further by rotating your head up and down.  Perform this technique until relief is felt.
Self Upper Trapezius Release With Head Rotation
This is an incorrect way to perform this and can lead to more pain!
Incorrect Self Upper Trapezius Release
The same technique can be performed by your healthcare provider.  Once they locate the spot they will passively move your head into position.  It's important to perform until relief is felt.
Assisted Upper Trapezius Muscle Release
